
Why are Test Management Tools Necessary For You?

Testing entails more than simply looking for faults and regressions. Management of tests is also critical. It is critical in every firm to be able to audit test coverage, execution, and results. This is where test case management software may help.

Clearly, testing entails ensuring that your program functions properly. That is, verifying that it accomplishes what it should, demonstrating that it is bug-free, and guaranteeing that it is dependable. Unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptability testing are used to accomplish the first two. Regression testing, load testing, and API testing are used in the third step. However, how can you know whether your testing is sufficient?

Recognize test coverage

Test coverage is a statistic that measures how much of your code is explicitly tested. It usually relates to unit testing, which is the process of determining if each function in your code has its own set of unit tests. Many build tools can include test coverage information in the build output or add it to the top of the source code.

However, test coverage must be seen in a larger context. Every interaction in your UI should be tested, according to test coverage. That you’ve tested all of the strange corner scenarios where a problem may be hiding. This is far more difficult to quantify than the fraction of your functions that have unit tests. It is, nevertheless, far more precious.

Keep track of the results of your test

Testing is fine, but it’s pointless if the results aren’t properly recorded. This is especially the case when a regression test fails. It’s nearly hard to discern if this is a new problem or a regression if you can’t compare the current result to the previous one.

Demonstrate that you conducted tests.

Despite the rising popularity of Continuous Integration, many firms continue to release new builds on a regular basis. This frequently implies that testing is rushed before release. But how can you know you’re not merely rehashing old test results? Being able to demonstrate when each component of your system was tested may dramatically enhance release efficiency.

This is especially true if your regression suite is large and sophisticated.

Audits and the game of blaming

We’d all want to believe that testing is without flaws. But, of course, it isn’t the case. Because software has become so complicated, testing every conceivable interaction may be unfeasible. However, Murphy’s Law states that no matter how foolproof your UI is, someone will find a way to break it. At that point, the blame game will begin. At this point, being able to inspect and validate your test coverage will be crucial. Of course, this criterion for audibility may be required for specific programs (such as healthcare apps).

What factors should you consider while selecting a test management tool?

Other features, in addition to the fundamental functions stated above, will make your life much easier.


It may seem self-evident, but you should make sure the tool works with the rest of your toolkit. Is it possible to combine it with your bug/issue tracking software, in particular?

Tracking and assigning tasks

The ability to assign and monitor jobs across your team is a fundamental feature of test management solutions. You may already be doing this with a system like Jira or Trello, but it’s beneficial to be able to do it with your test management platform as well.


The system should be adaptable enough to accommodate a wide range of development methods and projects. When choosing a tool, you may have a specific project in mind, but don’t fall into the trap of over-specialization!


It’s critical to be able to track test executions and outcomes, which are related to the prior functionality in certain respects. This includes keeping track of test runs, problems, bug remedies, and successful test results.

Final thoughts

Test management software will make the process of testing complicated applications much easier. They’re built to work in tandem with your existing tools and will help you become significantly more productive and efficient. Some test automation firms will try to persuade you to utilize their own test case management software which in most cases is the right thing to do, granted you do your research before using their tool.

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